Yes, it returns an entity. I can simplify a little more:

  <h2><?php echo 'Test Cases - VIEW BLOCK'; ?></h2> 
   <div class="container"> 
      echo $this->Form->create($test); 
         echo $this->fetch('cadastro_data'); 
       echo $this->Form->end(); 

After some debugging I guess I found the problem!
Cause "$this->Form->create($test)" is in other view that the " 
$this->Form->input(...);", the Form->inputs are processed before the 
Form->Create and it has no entity yet! 

Em quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014 08h28min13s UTC-3, José Lorenzo 
> What does $this->get('test') return? Is it an entity?
> On Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:47:47 AM UTC+2, Tiago Barrionuevo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to build a form, with a CakePHP 3 application, using view 
>> blocks but I can't get it to work. It seens that the Form->create() doesn't 
>> find the model.
>> I build a simple form to test it (controller Tests): 
>> src/Template/Tests/view_block.ctp
>> <?php
>> $this->set('cadastro_title', $this->get('search_modulename') . ' - 
>> $this->set('cadastro_entity', $this->get('test'));
>> $this->extend('/Common/cadastro_editor');
>> $this->start('cadastro_data');
>> ?>
>> <fieldset>
>>   <div class="row">
>>     <?= $this->Form->input('id', array('label' => 'Id:' ));?>
>>   </div>
>>   <div class="row">
>>     <?= $this->Form->input('name', array('label' => 'Name:' ));?>
>>   </div>
>>   <div class="row">
>>     <?= $this->Form->input('result', array('label' => 'Result:' ));?>
>>   </div>
>> </fieldset>
>> <?php $this->end(); ?>
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> src/Template/Common/cadastro_editor.ctp
>> <div> 
>>   <h2><?php echo $this->get('cadastro_title'); ?></h2> 
>>   <div class="container"> 
>>     <?php 
>>         echo $this->Form->create($this->get('test') ); 
>>         //echo $this->Form->create($this->get('cadastro_entity') ); 
>>         echo $this->fetch('cadastro_data'); 
>>       echo $this->Form->end(); 
>>     ?> 
>>   </div> 
>> </div>
>> ======================================
>> The same form without view block works ok:
>> <?php
>> $this->set('cadastro_title', $this->get('search_modulename') . ' - VIEW');
>> ?>
>> <div>
>>   <h2><?php echo $this->get('cadastro_title'); ?></h2>
>>   <div class="container">
>>     <?php
>>       echo $this->Form->create($this->get('test') );
>>     ?>
>>     <fieldset>
>>       <div class="row">
>>         <?= $this->Form->input('id', array('type'=>'text', 'label' => 
>> 'Id:' ));?>
>>       </div>
>>       <div class="row">
>>         <?= $this->Form->input('name', array('label' => 'Name:' ));?>
>>       </div>
>>       <div class="row">
>>         <?= $this->Form->input('result', array('label' => 'Result:' )); ?>
>>       </div>
>>     </fieldset>
>>   </div>
>> </div>
>> Maybe I'm doing something wrong!
>> Thanks in advance

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