I reached the authentication part of my CakePHP based cms system, things 
are going very well (thanks to you guys) ;)
As in every application, I should ask for a username / password combination 
when somebody tries to get into my CMS. This CMS is build as a plugin and 
is called "CoasterCms". Without login, you can reach it by the following 
url for example:


Now, when I change my CoasterCmsAppController.php and update my $components 
variable with the "Auth" array value:

class CoasterCmsAppController extends AppController
> {
>     ...
>     public $components = array(
>         'Session',
>         'Paginator'/*,
>         'Auth' => array(
>             'loginRedirect' => array(
>                 'plugin' => 'CoasterCms',
>                 'controller' => 'attractions',
>                 'action' => 'index'
>             ),
>             'logoutRedirect' => array(
>                 'plugin' => 'CoasterCms',
>                 'controller' => 'attractions',
>                 'action' => 'index',
>             ),
>             'authenticate' => array(
>                 'Form' => array(
>                     'passwordHasher' => 'Blowfish'
>                 )
>             )
>         )*/
>     );
> ...
> }

... then I'm constantly redirected to the url:


What's the reason of that and how can I change it so I can link it to the 

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