Hi Thomas,
Thank you for your update. MY code is as follows.

The Controller function I used is

namespace App\Controller;
use App\Controller\AppController;
use Authorizenet\AuthorizeNetARB;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Network\Email\Email;

public function authtest(){
        $subscription                          = new AuthorizeNet_Subscription;
        $subscription->name                    = "PHP Monthly Magazine";
        $subscription->intervalLength          = "1";
        $subscription->intervalUnit            = "months";
        $subscription->startDate               = "2014-08-14";
        $subscription->totalOccurrences        = "12";
        $subscription->amount                  = "12.99";
        $subscription->creditCardCardNumber    = "6011000000000012";
        $subscription->creditCardExpirationDate= "2018-10";
        $subscription->creditCardCardCode      = "123";
        $subscription->billToFirstName         = "Rasmus";
        $subscription->billToLastName          = "Doe";

        // Create the subscription.
        $request         = new AuthorizeNetARB;
        $response        = $request->createSubscription($subscription);
        $subscription_id = $response->getSubscriptionId();
        echo $subscription_id;exit;


On Monday, 18 August 2014 10:42:08 UTC+1, Jipson Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> Would you please tell me how we can access some 3rdpart vendor classes 
> (Not developed in a CakePHP platform) in our controller functions. For 
> example, in my cakePHP 3 website I need to integrate mandrill API and 
> Authorize.net API, I installed both through the compose of cakephp and both 
> are downloaded to my vendors folder.When I am trying to create their 
> objects in our controller action, I am getting fatal error as Class 
> 'App\Controller\AuthorizeNet_
> Subscription' not found. I couldn't find any thing related to this on 
> cakephp documentation also. Would you please help me to solve this issue? I 
> had another post with this details, but that is not replied.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jipson
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/cake-php/authorize.net/cake-php/p5XbQfJGrWg/ZTBd5b1LCUcJ

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