Where did you put that generateLink() function?

Helpers can only be used in the templates and from other helpers. What you 
are trying to do is not possible. You can create other helpers that can 
call the Html helper internally

On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1:57:30 PM UTC+2, Nguyễn Anh Tuấn wrote:
> Dear all.
> This so stupid but please help me.
> In my cell: *app/src/View/Cell/MyCell.php*
> i'm use public $helpers = ['Html'];
> In my cell view: *app/src/Template/Cell/MyCell/display.ctp*
> <?php
> $this->Html->link('name', ['controller' => 'mycontroller', 'action' => 
> 'myaction', 'param']); // This one work correctly
> function generateLink($name) {
>    return $this->Html->link($name, ['controller' => 'mycontroller', 
> 'action' => 'myaction', 'param']); // This one cannot work then       
>  output error: Using $this when not in object context
> }
> echo generateLink('MyLinkName');
> ?>
> *Please guide me how to use $this inside view function.*
> *Thanks.*

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