Nevermind...  I had to modify the add.ctp

 echo $this->Form->input('ip');

 echo $this->Form->input('ip',array('type'=>'text'));

And all is well.

Thanks for listening....

On Thursday, October 2, 2014 5:14:44 PM UTC-4, HalfBaked wrote:
> CakePHP 2.5.4
> PHP 5.5.14 
> MySQL 5.1.73
> I have been searching for a solution to this one for hours.  I'm not sure 
> what search terms to use to find an answer to this.  
> I am trying to accept an IP Address, convert it using the php builtin 
> ip2long, and save it in a table.
> I have a simple table:
>   id CHAR(36) NOT NULL default '',
>   ip INT(32) DEFAULT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (id)
> );
> and a simple model:
> class Ip extends AppModel {
> public $validate = array(
> 'ip' => 'numeric',
> );
> public function beforeValidate($options = array()) {
> if (isset($this->data['Ip']['ip'])) { $this->data['Ip']['ip'] = 
> ip2long($this->data['Ip']['ip']); };
> return true; 
> }
> public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) {
> foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
> if (isset($val['Ip']['ip'])) { $results[$key]['Ip']['ip'] = 
> long2ip($results[$key]['Ip']['ip']); }
> }
> return $results;
> }
> }
> I baked a standard controller and views for this model, and have made no 
> changes to them.
> When I enter the IP Address and click Submit, I get a little tooltip popup 
> that says "Please enter a number"
> I also tried changing my beforeValidate to a beforeSave, and changed the 
> validation from 'numeric' to 'ip', but that had the same result...
> Now,  If I alter my IP field in the table to a VARCHAR, Everything Works 
> as it should,  including the validation that I have defined in the model. 
>  The numeric IP value is saved without error in the VARCHAR field.
> Apparently Cake is doing some kind of validation on the table data type 
> Before the functions beforeValidate and beforeSave are run.   How do I 
> bypass this behavior?  

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