
If you could test the site for me in a browser that can detect each language
it would be greatly appreciated.

There is an update for the UTF-8 version of chinese translation.

This version expects zh to be passed as the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

I was able to create the .mo compiled version of the translations for the
UTF-8 version

For the Chinese (PRC) , the Encoding is not big5. It is GB2312.

This version expects zh-cn to be passed as the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

Since  I could not open this version, it is using the .po file, Which is one
of the cool things about the I18n support is it uses gettext files without
the need for gettext to be installed, and the class I wrote will search for
the .mo, if it is not found it will use the .po file.

If either of the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE is different from what I currently
have let me know so I can change it or add another key;


* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public

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