Langdon Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that I would likely just replicate the entire application
> across multiple web servers, and hand out the requests in a round
> robin to the web servers.

Or maybe FastCGI's load balancing?

> I would be very interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on this
> too.

Good use of caching would help prolong the time before having to scale
up, as well as reducing hardware requirements. Cake's own caching is
really neat, as are things like lighttpd's mod_cml or traditional
options like squid. Remember that web servers are *extremely* good at
serving static content!

I should really add the general warning against premature optimisation
here, but I'm sure you've heard it before.

Best wishes,

 Chris Lamb, Cambridgeshire, UK                        GPG: 0x634F9A20

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