
I was having (what seems like) the exact same problem. You can read the 
thread about it 
here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cake-php/ORfK1b9AYTU

My solution was to put CakeSession::start() in the beforeFilter() method in 
my AppController. Everything seems to work fine then. However, I don't 
believe this should be necessary so I will continue to try to determine why 
it's needed. 

When you do this, as long as 'default'=>'cake' is set in your core.php 
file, you should then see the session cookies in app/tmp/sessions.

Can you post the details of your server configure (the one you were having 
the problem on)? Specifically, Apache, PHP, and CakePHP versions and 
settings concerning session. The output of phpinfo() would do nicely (with 
anything sensitive redacted, of course :-)


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