Assuming you are using CakePHP 2.x

It is a good idea to define a primary key in your HABTM table - in the 
books_users table (name should be alphabetic order, but you can deviate). 
Thus your table definition is:
id, book_id, user_id

What is your comment table reflecting?
1) comments added to a book by a user?
2) comments added to a book_user?

To me it sounds like you have implemented 2) - if that is so, please 
clarify your reason :)

I would go with 1) - so that your comments table definition becomes:
id, book_id, user_id, comment, ...
where book_id is a reference to the books table and user_id is a reference 
to the users table.

Enjoy, John

On Friday, 6 February 2015 22:46:08 UTC+2, gt0p wrote:
> I am trying to bind 3 tables and I am having problems with proper 
> relations. 
> Table users (pk id), books (pk id), users_books (user_id, book_id), 
> comments (pk and foreign key book_id, user_id -> with reference to 
> users_books)
> Here are the models:
> Book
>   public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>       'User' =>
>       array(
>         'className' => 'User',
>           'joinTable' => 'users_books',
>             'foreignKey' => 'book_id',
>             'associationForeignKey' => 'user_id',
>             'unique' => true,
>         'conditions' => '',
>         'fields' => '',
>         'order' => '',
>         'limit' => '',
>         'offset' => '',
>         'finderQuery' => '',
>       //  'with' => 'UserBook'
>     ),);
>     public $hasMany = array('Comment'=>array('className'=>'Comment'));
> Comment:
>   public $belongsTo = array (
>     'Book' => array (
> 'className'=>'Book',
>     )
>   );
> When I try to save with the saveAll method I got: 
> *Error: * SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot 
> add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 
> (`metabook`.`comments`, CONSTRAINT `comments_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY 
> (`user_id`, `book_id`) REFERENCES `users_books` (`user_id`, `book_id`))  
> I know that this is not according to the cakephp conventions, but what I 
> can do to bind those tables?

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