This is a scenario that is true to me and it is leading me to take the 
decision to not upgrade to Cake3 at this moment.

I have 2 applications and one has to communicate with another. One 
application has been fully built with the latest stable version of cake 2 
and the new application, that is on legacy code, was going to be using cake 
3 so we could benefit of all of the new perks. Unfortunately with the 
removal of the cipherseed and the cipher functions a password that was 
generated in cake2 now can't be used in cake3.

Example of password encryption results using CakePHP 2.6 and CakePHP 3

password =  changeme
Salt and Cipherseed where kept the same among both versions.

CakePHP 2.6
HashClass = Simple
HashType = SHA256
Encryption result = 

CakePHP 3
HashClass = Weak
HashType = SHA256
Encryption result = *c88333b093105e07acff5b19be6fbaf51e6482b1*

I had asked this on twitter before and the response that I got was that 
there would be backwards compatibility if you were using Simple password 
hasher in CakePHP 2.6 and upgraded it to CakePHP 3 so I wouldn't need to 
change all my users passwords through the database or force them to reset 
their password.

Based on the result above I don't see how I can use the same password 
system from Cake 2 to Cake 3 and it also doesn't seem like it is using the 
hashType set on config.

Is there anything I'm missing here. Can anyone help?

I need to decide really quick if I will move forth with Cake 3 or keep 
development with Cake 2.

Thanks in advance.

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