Hi All,

I'm definitely a noob and need a little help with a problem I'm having.

I'm using a plugin called ReportManager, which adds /report_manager/ to the 
URL prior to it's views.

The main layout of the site uses an Element for the global navigation with 
the links generated by the CakePHP HTMLHelper link method:; Here's my code 
for anexample:

<?php echo $this->Html->link(__('<span class="glyphicon 
glyphicon-briefcase" aria-hidden="true"></span> List Customers'), 
array('controller' => 'customers', 'action' => 'index', 'full_base' => 
true), array('escape' => false)); ?>

The issue that I'm having is that, in 'norma pages within the site, this 
correctly generates a link to http://mysite.com/customers, but when in the 
repoort manager, the same code geneerates a link 

Is there a way within CakePHP to force the linke to be relative to the base 
url irrespective of what the plugin (this or any other) addes to the URL 
without simply putting the '/customers' path into the link, which seems bad 
practice to me.

Thanks in advance.


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