I discovered a bug in the Route.php file.
the reg expression used for finding extensions only works if no parameters 
are passed in the URL.
I have temporarily modified my Routes.php file to find the extension 
anywhere in the string and used str_replace to remove the .json from the 
url and I no longer get the action missing error.
I still get the template missing error though.

On Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 2:02:24 PM UTC+7, heavyKevy wrote:
> I have gone through the documentation, which is a bit too vague, and tried 
> many things, but I still am getting an error that the template file is 
> missing.
> I had this working sending back a json response in 3.0 using ext='json', 
> yet after updating to 3.1 it is broken.  
> I checked the migration guide and tried changing ext  to _ext, setting up 
> the Routes with:
> Router::extensions(['json']);
> in the controller method I am using the _serialize key which is supposed 
> to render without the template:
> $this->set('_serialize', ['salesPeople']);
> The JsonView class does not appear to be loading and I don't see in the 
> documentation where I am supposed to set it.
> The documentation says ' you can automatically leverage the new view 
> classes' By enabling RequestHandlerComponent in your application, and 
> enabling support for the json and or xml extensions, but I have enabled 
> it in the Initialize method of the controller and enabled the 'json' 
> extension as mentioned earlier and it is still not working.
> Here is the method in question:
> public function getSalesPeopleSelectList() {
>         $this->request->accepts('json'); // No direct access via browser 
>         $dealerId = $this->request->params['pass'][0];
>         $this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'ajax');
>         //$this->viewClass = 'Json';
>         $this->loadModel('SalesPeople');
>         $salesPeople = 
> $this->Purchases->SalesPeople->find('list')->where(['is_active'=>'1','user_id'=>$dealerId]);
> //for salespeople options for autocomplete
>         $this->set(compact('salesPeople'));
>         $this->set('_serialize', ['salesPeople']);
>     }
> When I enable the _ext = json I get the following error:
> 2015-10-14 06:57:36 Error: 
> [Cake\Controller\Exception\MissingActionException] Action 
> PurchasesController::getSalesPeopleSelectList.json() could not be found, or 
> is not accessible.
> Exception Attributes: array (
>   'controller' => 'PurchasesController',
>   'action' => 'getSalesPeopleSelectList.json',
>   'prefix' => '',
>   'plugin' => NULL,
> )
> Request URL: /Subaru/purchases/get-sales-people-select-list.json/47
> Stack Trace:
> #0 
> C:\WebServer\cake\subaru\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Routing\Dispatcher.php(114):
> Cake\Controller\Controller->invokeAction()
> #1 
> C:\WebServer\cake\subaru\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Routing\Dispatcher.php(87):
> Cake\Routing\Dispatcher->_invoke(Object(App\Controller\PurchasesController))
> #2 C:\WebServer\webdocs\Subaru\index.php(42): 
> Cake\Routing\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Cake\Network\Request), 
> Object(Cake\Network\Response))
> #3 {main}
> What have I missed?

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