
I'm working on an event management system for a small educational company, 
that's turned out to be more complex than expected (isn't that always the 

Basically, people apply online to book their child/children on a course 
instance. They initially state how many child places they want to book, 
then the form generates the appropriate number of field sets for the number 
of children, creating them using a count and naming the fields 
'Kids.X.fieldname' based on that count.

The form is multi-model - saving the booking details, the parents details 
and the child details separately. A 'User' account is created from the 
parents details, 'Kids' are owned by 'Users' and I've set it up so that 
'Bookings' are owned by 'Users' (and the course 'Instances' they are 
related to) but also have a HABTM relationship with 'Kids'. I've done it 
like this so that in Users can add individual kids to any future bookings 
(they have a lot of people coming back for more).

It seems to (mostly) work okay for when one child is selected - it 
validates the data entered against the appropriate model, including the 
'Kid', processes the form and writes the data to the respective tables - 
the only glitch being it doesn't seem to create the 'Kid' though does add a 
phantom 'kid_id' to the 'bookings_kids' table!

However, it works even less well for when there are multiple kids. It 
processes the form but doesn't validate the multiple 'Kids' fields (even 
though the form is still indicating that they are required by putting 
labels in bold etc) and doesn't create the 'Kids' data or the add the 
relationship to 'bookings_kids'.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong? I've been tempted to give up and just 
'hardcoding' the children as part of the User table, but that limits the 
number and makes it less elegantly Cakey.

Here's the pertinent code I am using:

*Models (have removed validation code etc for brevity)*

class Instance extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array('Course');
public $hasMany = array('Booking');


class User extends AppModel {
public $hasMany = array('Booking','Kid');


class Kid extends AppModel { 

public $belongsTo = array('User');
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = ('Booking');


class Booking extends AppModel {

public $belongsTo = array('Instance','User');
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = ('Kid');


*InstanceController (am using this to process everything - all relevant 
models declared in $uses)*

public function book($instanceID) 

if ($this->request->is('post') and $status =='Confirmed') 
            if ($this->Booking->saveAll($this->request->data)) 
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('Your booking has been made. 
Thank you!'));
$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'instances','action' => 
            $this->Session->setFlash(__('There was an error - please check 
you have completed the form.'));

*View (book.cp - edited for brevity)*

echo $this->Form->create('Booking');
echo '<h3>Your Details</h3>';
echo $this->Form->input('User.firstname', array('label' => 'First name'));
echo $this->Form->input('User.surname', array('label' => 'Surname'));
echo $this->Form->input('User.username', array('label' => 'Email Address'));
echo $this->Form->input('User.phone', array('label' => 'Phone (mobile 
if ($children == 1) {
echo "<h3>Your child's details</h3>";
echo $this->Form->input('Kid.name', array('label' => 'Child\'s Name'));
echo $this->Form->input('Kid.age', array('label' => 'Child\'s Age'));
} else {
echo "<h3>Your children's details</h3>";
$count = 1;
while ($count <= $children)
echo "<h4>Child " . $count . "</h4>";
echo $this->Form->input('Kid.'.$count.'.name', array('label' => 'Child\'s 
echo $this->Form->input('Kid.'.$count.'.age', array('label' => 'Child\'s 
echo "<hr>";
$count += 1;
echo $this->Form->end('Submit Booking'); 

Many thanks for looking!

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