The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of 
CakePHP 3.2.0-RC1. This release is the first release candidate for the 3.2 
branch which adds several new features to the 3.x series. We would 
appreciate any feedback you might have on the new features before their API 
definitions become stable.
Minimum PHP 5.5 Required

CakePHP 3.2 requires at least PHP 5.5.10. By adopting PHP 5.5 we can 
provide better Date and Time libraries and remove dependencies on password 
compatibility libraries.
Disabling Deprecation Warnings

Upon upgrading you may encounter several deprecation warnings. These 
warnings are emitted by methods, options and functionality that will be 
removed in CakePHP 4.x, but will continue to exist throughout the lifetime 
of 3.x. While we recommend addressing deprecation issues as they are 
encountered, that is not always possible. If you’d like to defer fixing 
deprecation notices, you can disable them in your *config/app.php*:

'Error' => [
    'errorLevel' => E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED,

The above error level will suppress deprecation warnings from CakePHP.
Carbon Replaced with Chronos

The Carbon library has been replaced with cakephp/chronos 
<>. This new library is a fork of Carbon 
with no additional dependencies. It also offer a calendar date object, and 
immutable versions of both date and datetime objects.
New Date Object

The Date class allows you to cleanly map DATE columns into PHP objects. 
Date instances will always fix their time to 00:00:00 UTC. By default the 
ORM creates instances of Date when mapping DATE columns now.
New Immutable Date and Time Objects

The FrozenTime, and FrozenDate classes were added. These classes offer the 
same API as the Time object has. The frozen classes provide immutable 
variants of Time and Date. By using immutable objects, you can prevent 
accidental mutations. Instead of in-place modifications, modifier methods 
return *new* instances:

use Cake\I18n\FrozenTime;

$time = new FrozenTime('2016-01-01 12:23:32');
$newTime = $time->modify('+1 day');

In the above code $time and $newTime are different objects. The $time object 
retains its original value, while$newTime has the modified value. As of 
3.2, the ORM can map date/datetime columns into immutable objects as well.
CorsBuilder Added

In order to make setting headers related to Cross Origin Requests (CORS) 
easier, a new CorsBuilder has been added. This class lets you define CORS 
related headers with a fluent interface.
ORM Improvements
   - Containing the same association multiple times now works as expected, 
   and the query builder functions are now stacked.
   - Function expressions now correctly cast their results. This means that 
   expressions like $query->func()->current_date() will return datetime 

Improved Validator API

The Validator object has a number of new methods that make building 
validators less verbose. For example adding validation rules to a username 
field can now look like:

    ->lengthBetween('username', [4, 8]);

Console Improvements
   - Shell::info(), Shell::warn() and Shell::success() were added. These 
   helper methods make using commonly used styling simpler.
   - Cake\\Console\\Exception\\StopException was added.
   - Shell::abort() was added to replace error().

StopException Added

Shell::_stop() and Shell::error() no longer call exit(). Instead they raise 
Cake\\Console\\Exception\\StopException. If your shells/tasks are catching 
\Exception where these methods would have been called, those catch blocks 
will need to be updated so they don’t catch the StopException. By not 
calling exit() testing shells should be easier and require fewer mocks.
Helpers initialize()

Helpers can now implement an initialize(array $config) hook method like 
other class types.

The action key for FormHelper::create() has been deprecated. You should use 
the url key directly.
Fatal Error Memory Limit Handling

A new configuration option Error.extraFatalErrorMemory can be set to the 
number of megabytes to increase the memory limit by when a fatal error is 
encountered. This allows breathing room to complete logging or error 

As we continue to improve CakePHP, certain features are deprecated as they 
are replaced with better solutions. Deprecated features will not be removed 
until 4.0:

   - Shell::error() is deprecated because its name does not clearly 
   indicate that it both outputs a message and stops execution. Use 
   Shell::abort() instead.
   - Cake\\Database\\Expression\QueryExpression::type() is deprecated. Use 
   tieWith() instead.
   - Cake\\Database\\Type\\DateTimeType::$dateTimeClass is deprecated. Use 
   DateTimeType::useMutable() or DateTimeType::useImmutable() instead.
   - Cake\\Database\\Type\\DateType::$dateTimeClass is deprecated. Use 
   DateTimeType::useMutable() orDateType::useImmutable() instead.
   - Cake\\ORM\\ResultSet::_calculateTypeMap() is now unused and deprecated.
   - Cake\\ORM\\ResultSet::_castValues() is now unused and deprecated.

Unless there are major issues with the 3.2.0-RC1 release, we will have a 
stable release packaged in the next 4-5 weeks. The documentation for 3.2.0 
is now available in the book <> and the API 

As always, a huge thanks to all the community members that helped make this 
release happen by reporting issues and sending pull requests.

Download a packaged release on github 

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