Hi, everyone,

As the title, I cant save the $dateTimeOptionTag for my edit function.

In my add fuction, it works great. I can add it and save it into mysql.

When I use edit, I can retrive the data. BUT, when I try to save it, I
cant save the dateTime only. The rest all works great.

I set core debug as 2, I get the following output :

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `events` WHERE (`id` = 7)  1 1 1
12 UPDATE `events` SET `id` = '7',`event_cate_lvl2_id` = '2',`name` =
'apple',`address` = 'Spr',`banner` = 'Cute',`costperperson` =
'300',`introduction` = '',`description` = '110',`transportation` =
'110',`payment_visa_ok` = '1',`payment_cash_ok` =
'0',`payment_yinliancard_ok` = '0',`payment_mastercard_ok` =
'1',`contact_number1` = '120',`contact_number2` = '110',`enabled` =
'2',`keywords` = 'Coffee' WHERE `id` = '7'

When I use $this->params['form'], to see the output after the form
submit. I can saw IT IS submit, like

   [data] => Array
           [Event] => Array
                   [id] => 7
                   [name] => apple
           [address] => Spr
                   [banner] => Cute
                   [costperperson] => 300
                   [event_start_day] => 23
                   [event_start_month] => 08
                   [event_start_year] => 1973
                   [event_start_hour] => 10
                   [event_start_min] => 53
                   [event_start_meridian] => pm
                   [event_end_day] => 26
                   [event_end_month] => 04
                   [event_end_year] => 1974
                   [event_end_hour] => 04
                   [event_end_min] => 55
                   [event_end_meridian] => pm
                   [enabled] => 2
                   [keywords] => Coffee


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