Cool. behaviors and especially act_as_tree look interesting but I still don't grasp it really.
Well to make a long story short, behaviors basically allow you to add new *methods* to a Model that has a certain behavior attached to it, as well as getting all the beforeFind/afterFind/etc. callbacks.

It's almost like inheritance, but better - it allows for multiple parents ; ).

-- Felix

Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
Cool. behaviors and especially act_as_tree look interesting but I still don't grasp it really.

Felix Geisendörfer wrote:
Would it make sense to go after rails's documentation to get an idea of how
these new things in 1.2 are functioning ?
Probably not. But maybe I can get you some sample code at some point if I find it.

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
Would it make sense to go after rails's documentation to get an idea of how
these new things in 1.2 are functioning ?


Felix Geisendörfer wrote:
I'm thinking of doing a project in cake and would like to know if there is a model convention similar to 'acts_as_tree' in rails.
CakePHP 1.2 has a similar functionality named Behaviors. However it's not officially been released yet (only a developer release).

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

river_jetties wrote:

I'm thinking of doing a project in cake and would like to know if there
is a model convention similar to 'acts_as_tree' in rails.



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