Some great comments for all concerned :-)

I haven't had a look at Cheesecake-Photoblog yet, but judging by its
feature list and a (very quick look at the code) I certainly will be!

I'm not trying to steal anyones thunder here. tbh, my reasons for
getting the project underway are pretty selfish. I intend to use it as
a tool to learn CakePHP beyond the basics of scaffolding etc.

My plan is still taking shape, but what I'd like to do write some
articles (and hopefully get them published, either on my blog or on the
Bakery on each of the components and how they all fit together.

"Another problem with a reference project might be keeping it updated
with the latest CakePHP development. "

That was high up on my list of priorities.

As Cheescake seems to hit all the targets, perhaps I should think up
another application - there's no-point re-inventing the wheel is there?

Perhaps a inventory manager or an intranet portal?

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