> I have never used an SQL view and would love to see a real-world
> example of when a view should be used over, say, the CakePHP model
> combined with associations.
That's a pretty typical (and kinda sad) answer from someone with no real 
sql/ database background, and happy with MySQL, which just recently, 
(version 5) realised that Views, stored procedures, triggers, etc are 
MANDATORY in any serious database engine.( I use Postgresql exclusively 
with Cake, and am increasingly frustrated by the numerous limitations of 
cake versus a REAL database)

Let's see some REAL WORLD reasons to use views instead of (or beside) 
associations in cake:
(1) The request is compiled in the DB engine instead of being 
interpreted each time. So optimization is done once and for all, hence 
faster, and results can be cached. So the first reason is performances.
(2) Security, at different levels. Guest use can access views, or some 
views, and none of the underlaying tables.
(3) Technicals reasons. The association have no ideas on how to handle a 
recursive relation. Example:

SELECT a.suppliesactivityid, a.suppliesid, a.pending,, a.qtyin,
    a.qtyout, a.productid, (
    SELECT sum((sua.qtyin - sua.qtyout)) AS sum
    FROM sua
    WHERE ((sua.suppliesactivityid <= a.suppliesactivityid) AND
        ((sua.suppliesid)::text = ((
        SELECT suaview_id.suppliesid
        FROM suaview_id
        WHERE ( = 1)
    ) AS qtyonhand, a.setasbeginningbalance, a.tagged, a.seqno
FROM sua a
WHERE ((a.suppliesid)::text = ((
    SELECT suaview_id.suppliesid
    FROM suaview_id
    WHERE ( = 1)
ORDER BY a.pending,, a.suppliesactivityid;

It's a running total, very classical SQL. There are no other ways than a 
query in Cake. But it's a typically slow query. Using a view for this is 
THE way to do it.

Justifying limitations in a product by doubting the usefulness of very 
standard SQL features is not giving confidence in the futures 
ameliorations to said product.
In other words, I don't like this answer, it makes me doubt of my sanity 
in spending time with cake.


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