"This post will only make sense if you can see the diagram!"

Yes, that's a problem...I cannot see the diagram...probably Google
groups doesn't allow attaches or something.

I will try to answer you the best that I can, though...

Cake can take care of relations between the tables...just look in the
"Model" chapter on the manual for the "hasOne", "belongsTo"
entries...I think that might give you some light ...I think you must
name correctly, but you can force some column names on cake...at least
you can do this with the primary key...so I believe that you will have
some means of doing that...

As for the rest, I can't really answer (no diagram!!), but I think
that if you read the sections I told you, you'll be able to figure out
for yourself...

Two last advices: "Remember, no one knows your application better than
you!" and "There's always several ways around"...

Good luck!

On Jan 31, 4:10 pm, "lukemack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for some help regarding a new cake project. I'm new to
> cake but not to php and am planning on using it for a project I'm
> working on in the hope that it will allow me to develop it reasonably
> quickly.
> What I'm after is some advice. I have attached a database diagram with
> some notes to the cake google group which should you a good idea of
> what I am trying to achieve. My main concerns are:
> Do I need to worry about the relationships between tables in database
> design terms i.e. one-to-many etc. or do I take care of that in the
> Model/Controller?  Or does cake take care of that as long as I name my
> keys / foreign keys correctly?
> Does my ACL apply to users of the CMS i.e. staff entering data, or the
> end-users, or both?
> Taking reviews as an example, how would i go about managing the
> relationship between the user and review controllers and ensuring that
> users can only edit their own reviews?
> Just ignore the incorrectly named keys in the diagram - DBDesigner
> added these automatically.
> Many thanks for any input. This post will only make sense if you can
> see the diagram!
> Rgds,
> lukemack.

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