Hi Kaste,

On Jan 31, 9:53 pm, Kaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jan 29, 3:59 am, Kaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> define css:
> >> body{font-size: 14px}  // = that's your "original"-"100%"-size
> > That is potentially not a very good idea, and it's interesting that
> > it's mentioned as part of an accessibility type question.
> > Setting font sizes in any absolute unit is generally a bad idea - can
> > mean that the browsers own resizing stuff doesn't work (older
> > browsers, granted). It is generally a much better idea to use relative
> are we speaking of an ajaxified webpage optimized for netscape4?

Not really.

I'm by no means a usabiilty expert, but this is still surprisingly
relavent on some sites: http://style.cleverchimp.com/font_size/points/

If you use virtually any version of IE (I think they fixed this in 7,
but haven't specifically checked), using px/pt will override the users
choice and give them the px/pt the site has specified. What I was
talking about is not adding extra steps for users that want their own
text size and ensuring there is still an experience to be had for
those that don't have js.

An example to clarify: PC IE 6 User wants big text on their larger
monitor with their beedy eyes so they set the browser to display
everything bigger via the view->text size->biggest; all looks good on
the google home page; the news is readable; they follow a link to a
site with the text defined in px/pt, they briefly look around for some
kind of button thing to make the text bigger don't see one and so with
a sigh they go somewhere else. The looking for the form should not
have been necessary at all, and even if it's present it's an annoyance
to have the discontinuity for fhe user. Try it on the secion508 site.

> > units for all font defenitions either ems or % Ref:http://www.w3.org/
> > TR/WCAG10-CSS-TECHS/#units
> btw, what would be 100%/1.0em in the body/root?

The browser default, unless the user overrode that by setting it
bigger. I found this for reference http://www.maxdesign.com.au/


Please note:
The manual/bakery is a good place to start any quest for info.
You may get your answer quicker by asking on
the IRC Channel (you can access it with just a browser

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