Thanks to Dan and Clemos for the feedback here. I have enough to keep
me busy for a while and I think I'm finally starting to understand the
process here.

On Feb 1, 11:26 am, "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Clemos!
> That's pretty much what I've been aiming for ;)
> Many thanks
> On Feb 1, 5:20 pm, clemos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi Dan
> > you should start from here:
> > especially
> > "Section 4 Advanced Routing Configuration: Admin Routing and Webservices"
> > in your case, you'll probably want to set CAKE_ADMIN = 'console'
> > this is for the "directory structure" (or rather "url structure")
> > it allows you to have special actions in your controllers, for exemple
> > "admin_action()", which you can call with this url 
> > :
> > then, as said in the manual, you'll need to build an authentification,
> > session and user management system on top, or use one that already
> > exists.
> > I personnally use a customized version of othAuth for
> > user/group/permissions and auth/session handling, as it's powerful and
> > has an easy support for CAKE_ADMIN 
> > routing.
> > ++++++++
> > clemos
> > On 2/1/07, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > I'm backing a simple CMS system with the awesome Cake and am wondering
> > > about best practices for the directory structure.
> > > In a nutshell I'd like
> > >http://domain-> main public pages
> > >http://domain/console-> access to views, etc via authenticated
> > > session
> > > at the moment I'm using a view called 'www' to house the public pages
> > > and using a routeing config to push the user there.
> > > Is this an okay way to go?
> > > Many thanks
> > > Dan

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