I've uploaded a preliminary release to http://cakeforge.org/projects/sampler/

In some places such as the public survey page what I did is probably
not very "proper" for CakePHP, but it works well enough that my client
is now using it.

My client is collecting email addresses and using a package of their
product as an enticement to have people respond.  It seems to be
working -- they have had quite a few responses, and they only sent the
email about it on Monday.  They are planning on running monthly

> Sure, I'd like to take a look, I was going to do some javascript to
> get my data in a correct format, I can't figure  out how to name the
> fields and get the model relationships right so that cake saves
> everything automatically.
> On Feb 5, 9:14 pm, "Olwen Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've just done a survey.
> >
> > I had:
> > Surveys id,description,intro (an extended text), status
> > (planned,running,finished), date started, date finished
> > Questions id,survey_id,question,sequence
> > Answers id,question_id,answer,sequence
> > Responses id,survey_id,email_address
> > Response_answers, id,question_id,answer_id
> >
> > Are you interested in getting the code?  I'm trying to tidy it to release.
> >
> > On 06/02/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Please help me if possible.  Trying to do a simple Survey.  Survey has
> > > 10 Questions, each question has one of 4 possible Answers.  I'm trying
> > > to get the data model correct.
> >
> > > surveys table has id, survey_name,  date_created
> > > questions table has id, question
> > > surveys_questions has survey_id,question_id,answer
> >
> > > does this sound correct?  How do I set the form field names to make it
> > > simple to save the data?  I'm using radio buttons,one per question,
> > > right now.
> >

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