Perfect. Thanks!

On Feb 8, 7:11 am, "AD7six" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 7:49 am, "Dan Bair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Bakers,
> > Currently I have a table that holds the favorite films of users
> > (fn_favorites). In each row in this table, it holds the film's id
> > (film_id) and the user's id (user_id). I am making a list of the
> > "User's Top Favorites" which takes the films that occur this most in
> > this table. Right now, I have to do a SQL query to get these id's that
> > occur the most, and then put them in an array, and then do a findAll
> > with those ids to get the film's information.
> > I was wondering if anyone could point me to a cleaner way to
> > accomplish this? The real thing that made me go this direction was
> > that I could not find a way to count occurances of a value in a column
> > and then order them.
> > Here is the code I currently have:
> > // grabs the 3 ids that occur the most
> > $fav = $this->Favorite->query(
> >                 'SELECT film_id, COUNT(film_id) FROM fn_favorites
> >                 GROUP BY film_id
> >                 ORDER BY COUNT(film_id) DESC
> >                 LIMIT 3');
> > // assign id's into an array
> >                 $fav = array( $fav[0]['fn_favorites']['film_id'],
> >                                                                             
> >                     $fav[1]['fn_favorites']['film_id'],
> >                                                                             
> >                     $fav[2]['fn_favorites']['film_id']);
> > //grab film information on the 3 top favorites
> >                 $fav = $this->Film->findAll( array("" => $fav ) );
> > $this->set( 'fav', $fav );
> > Thanks in advance!
> > ~ Dan
> HTH,
> AD7six
> Please note:
> The manual/bakery is a good place to start any quest for info.
> You may get your answer quicker by asking on
> the IRC Channel (you can access it with just a browser
> here:

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