
I have two tables, franchises and owners.

The owners table has a foreign key to franchises called franchise_id.

I've defined a $hasMany relationship between franchise and owners (ie.
1 franchise can have many owners).

I've defined a $belongsTo relationship between owner and franchise
(ie. an owner belongs to a franchise).

Now, I'm trying to edit franchise and the associated owner
information.  However, I can't seem to access the owner information.

Here is my franchises_controller.php function for edit:

        function edit($id = null)
                        $this->Franchise->id = $id;
                        $this->data = $this->Franchise->read();
                                $this->flash('Your franchise has been 
updated.', '/franchises/');

Here is my edit.thtml file.  Please note that I am confused as to how
the data is pre-populated in the form and why can't I seem to get the
owner associated data pre-populated?  I'm also trying to print the
$data array, with no success.

<h1>Edit Franchise</h1>

<form action="<?php echo $html->url('/franchises/edit') ?>"
<?php echo $html->hidden('Franchise/id'); ?>

<p>Name: <?php echo $html->input('Franchise/name', array('size' =>
'40')) ?></p>
<p>Owner First Name: <?php echo $html->input('Owner/first_name',
array('size' => '40')) ?></p>

<?php echo print_r($data); ?>

<p><?php echo $html->submit('Save') ?></p>


Any help would be appreciated.



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