Hi all,

I am quite  new in CakePHP.
I actually read all the documentation about models, controllers and
views in CakePHP.
I have been doing some nice programming, but I get stuck on following
I have a view which assembles two tables which are realted to each
Table users has many pnumbers, thus the class User defines a hasMany
relation to Pnumber.
I want to be able to view a user with all his related pnumbers. For
this i do as follows in the users edit view:
<?php $pnumbers = $this->data['Pnumber'];
        foreach ($pnumbers as $pnumber):
            echo $html->hidden('/Pnumber/id',array('value'=>$pnumber['id']));
            echo $html->input('/Pnumber/pnumber', array('size' =>
'20', 'value' => $pnumber['pnumber']));

This gives  me all the related pnumbers. User field are listed
before ...
Now, I think the hidden field and the input field parameters for
pnumbers are not set correct in the edit.thml.
Could you give me a hint on this?

The users controller looks like this:
 if ($this->User->save($this->data['User']))
         $this->flash('Your User has been saved.','/users');
         $this->flash('Failed saving p-number.','/users');

I get following error when i try to save the view
Notice: Undefined index: Pnumber in /var/www/html/cake/app/controllers/
users_controller.php on line 22
Failed saving p-number.

For completion; my User class looks as follows:
class User extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'User';
        var $recursive = 2;
        var $belongsTo = array( 'Location' => array('className' =>
        var $hasMany = array('Pnumber' => array('className' => 'Pnumber',
                                'conditions' => '',
                                'order' => '',
                                'dependent' => true,
                                'foreignKey' => 'user_id'));
        var $validate = array(  'email' => VALID_EMAIL,
'location_id' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY);


What am I doing wrong? What is the easiest way to do this?

thanks a lot!

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