I was able to sort my related data on field that was another level
deep in the relationship, but I'm not sure if it's the "Cake" way
since it required me to write a very specific SQL fragment
(subquery) . Let me try to explain with a simple example:

Let's say I have a dynamically generated questionnaire that contains
many questions, and I want to sort those questions based on a
display_order field. When an instance of a questionnaire gets
generated, an instance of each question is also generated. The
questions are all defined in a library of questions, if you will
(table name is "questions"), where the display_order field is

So, to control the display order of my question instances within a
Questionnaire, the model definition for  Questionnaire has this
relationship defined with the 'order' parameter set with a specific
        var $hasMany = array(
                        'QuestionInstance' =>array('className' => 
                                                                'foreignKey' => 
                                                                'conditions' => 
                                                                'fields' => '',
                                                                'order' => 
'(Select Question.display_order FROM questions AS
Question WHERE QuestionInstance.question_id = Question.id) ASC',
                                                                'limit' => '',
                                                                'offset' => '',
                                                                'dependent' => 
                                                                'exclusive' => 
=> '',
=> ''),

Is there a better, or preferred way to accomplish the same sort
without explicitly writing a sub-query?  I thought that by putting
"Question.display_order" for the 'order' parameter would work, but it
did not.

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