In windows you can't start a path with a backslash.  Try:

if (!defined('ROOT')) {
        define('ROOT', 'C:'.DS.'wamp'.DS.'apps');
if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
        define('APP_DIR', 'cakeApp1' );
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
        define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', 'C:'.DS.'wamp'.DS.'cake' );

spheroid2007 wrote:
> I successfully set up Cake on my LAMP hosting to have multiple
> applications on one hosting account (
> articles/view/141). Now, I'm not sure the settings on my WAMP (local
> computer) for the directory of the application.
> On my local system, I've set up cake in the following structure:
> c:\wamp
>    \cake
>       \cake
>       \vendors
>    \apps\cakeApp1
>    \www\cakeApp1
> So the setup when working will allow me to view the cake app at
> http://localhost/cakeApp1.
> Question: when configuring c:\wamp\www\cakeApp1\index.php, what
> settings would I change below:
>     if (!defined('ROOT')) {
>          define('ROOT', DS.'apps'.DS.'cakeApp1');
>     }
>     if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
>          define('APP_DIR',dirname('cakeApp1'));
>     }
> /**
>  * This only needs to be changed if the cake installed libs are
> located
>  * outside of the distributed directory structure.
>  */
>     if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
>           define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'cake');
>     }
> This doesn't work correctly. Thanks in advance!

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