On 2/27/07, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 11:36 am, "Adrian Maier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/27/07, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > On Feb 27, 8:42 am, "Adrian Maier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On 2/27/07, Langdon Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > > My understanding is that Cake 1.1.x.x doesn't support multi-column 
> > > > > keys.
> >
> > > > > This feature request in track:https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/1293
> > > > > indicates that the priority for this feature is very low and unlikely 
> > > > > to
> > > > > be implemented.
> >
> > > > > Are you working with a legacy database?  Or is this your preferred way
> > > > > of building the primary key?
> >
> > > > Is this still true for Cake 1.2.x.x ?
> >
> > > > You might find this article interesting. It is about surrogate primary
> > > > key ( 'id' - integer )
> > > > which are sometimes convenient (from a performance point of view) but
> > > > are in fact
> > > > an evil compromise because such a primary key *does* allow row 
> > > > duplicates :
> >
> > > Does it? I always thought not including a unique index on a table's
> > > data allowed duplicates.
> >
> > It looks like we agree ...    duplicates are possible if you rely solely on 
> > the
> > surrogate id and you don't add an unique index to enforce the real primary
> > key.
> >
> > In fact , a table frequently will have are two primary keys:
> > - the surrogate one (numeric,  or fast update/delete)
> > - the real one , which uniquely identifies a row based on the entity's
> >   properties ( a person's social number,  a book's  ISBN, etc ).
> > Since the primary key can be only one, people will normally define
> > the id as "primary key" and an "unique index" for the real key .
> >
> > But primary key and "unique index" is basically the same thing : the 
> > difference
> > is that a table can have only one primary key , while the unique indexes
> > can be more than one. "primary key" is just syntactic sugar for "unique and
> > not null" .
> >
> > > And I feel that's all the article proves. The PK is for identifying a
> > > row of data, a unique index is for preventing duplicates. There are
> > > times when the two can be one and the same, but in most cases they
> > > should not - if only because choosing something that seems to be
> > > unique which turns out not to be, or in some cases is null, is so
> > > difficult to rectify (quickly).
> > > What does this mean (extract from comments by the article author
> > > regarding one of the examples of why surrogate keys are bad):
> > > "You're correct, though, that because of the size of the key (three
> > > columns, one of them up to 100 chars of text) the table carried an
> > > INT4 surrogate key which is what we used for joins and application
> > > logic"
> >
> > At work we are writing some modules for a mass billing application (for
> > a telephony company) that uses a large database (oracle). For example
> > the account_number is a varchar(20)  and is heavily used as primary key
> > and foreign key. The performance is a serious consideration and yet they
> > have chosen to have varchar PKs  when their saw fit.
> >
> > So, i don't think that using other types of PKs is a noticeable penalty
> > for small and medium databases .
> Well, the type isn't really a factor, although a numerical field will
> sort faster than an alphanumerical field - the difference is rather
> small if you are comparing indexing a field of x characters versus a
> field of ~x digits.
> In the above example the account number makes a perfect logical
> primary key - the row can't exist without one and it absolutely must
> not be null. That 'cost' would pay dividends as soon as you did not
> need to query the database, or JOIN the account table in, to find the
> (otherwise not known) account number from an object that linked to
> it.
> However, If you have no logical primary key, a numerical auto-index is
> the best idea in most cases unless there is a reason not to. E.g. the
> large system I used ot work with used a base64 sequence for almost all
> tables to keep key lengths below 7 characters iirc (yes, some truely
> massive tables, and unsurprisingly oracle driven). Even if there /is/
> a candidate for a logical primary key it's worth thinking if you can
> use it in absolutely all circumstances; there only needs to be one
> circumstance whereby the info isn't available at the time of creation
> or needs to be null and it shouldhn't be used. E.g. (overused example)
> SSN -> what happens with johnny Forigner?
> But to return to the article, the pseudo-message I feel it infers is:
>      "Use a primary key that has meaning and helps whilst debugging"
> Am I alone in this sentiment? I feel the message should be
>      "Primary keys are for the database, not for applying some
> business rules which may change - make it fast and easy on the DB"

> I also feel that the use of index and key indescriminantly is
> confusing and misleading, but in any event I guess we at least kind of
> agree :D

Yes, i also think that we have no real dispute here. We are are just
seeing the issue a little differently. But we both agree that having
some unique index around is necessary  .

And it's quite unlikely for me to need to use a multiple-field primary
key in CakePhp. So, even if i think that supporting this feature would
be useful ,  it is not a must-have for me .

Adrian Maier

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