Thanks toby. One thing it should say is that you need to rename the
file to form_wizard.php in order to get it to work at all! Do you have
any example controller code you could post? so far i have:

class ReviewsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Reviews';
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' , 'Javascript');
        var $components = array('Acl','FormWizard');

        function start ()
                $ways=array("unregistered" => 
                "registered" => array("start","login","submit"),
                "unKnown" => array("start"));



On 26 Feb, 05:04, Toby Parent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, the FormWizard is interesting, and does work. However, the
> documentation is spotty, and the terminology is ... odd.
> Ways = possible paths through your multi-page form. For example, say
> you've got (like you said) a registered-members only review form. The
> ways might be:
> unknownWay = array('start');
> registeredWay = array('review','recap');
> unregisteredWay = array('register','contactInfo','review','recap');
> Then, when going though, default to the unknownWay. The start() function
> and view simply gives a login/pw form, with a second form consisting of
> a 'Register me!' button. If the user chooses the Register Me path,
> changeWay('unregisteredWay'). If there's a valid login,
> changeWay('registeredWay'). Failing both of those, return false to
> re-spit out the login form.
> This component/helper does work with either 1.1 or 1.2, I've used it
> successfully with either. Hope this helps, and ask if it doesn't...
> Regards!
>  - Toby Parent

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