Hrmm, I seem to have fixed it.

The first time I tried this code, before I posted, it didn't work but,
now it does.  Maybe I had a typo. /shrug

Here is what I changed:
$this->xmlID = $this->Classified->getNumRows();
$this->matchResult = $this->Classified->findCount("text = '".$this-
>MrClean->sql($this->MrClean->html($ad->text))."' AND editions = '".
$this->data['Classified']['text'] = $this->MrClean->sql($this->MrClean-

My conclusion is that the sanitize->sql() really doesn't help if you
have any html characters in your text.
So, I convert the special characters using html() and the escape with
I do the same thing on insert so, when I match the text, it should
compare exactly.  There a few snags.  Some ads get by but, I can live
with it.  I will just use strip slashes and html_special_chars
functions to convert the text back to my original HTML formatted.

Sorry for the bother and long posts

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