
I just installed WAMP-server (Apache/Php/Mysql) and cakePHP.  I'm
seeing the startpage that is mentioned on the cakePHP-site and the
database-connection is also right.
Now I was looking for some tutorials and I found this one:
One of the steps is to the following:
 Upload script.aculo.us files

Place the script.aculo.us files in the /app/webroot/js/ folder. Don't
forget to put the prototype.js file (that comes with the
script.aculo.us library) in the same folder.

To make the JavaScript libraries available to Cake, you also need to
add the following inside the <head> tag of your Layout file (/app/

<?php print $html->charsetTag('UTF-8') ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('prototype') ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('scriptaculous.js?load=effects') ?>

Note: The Ajax functions only work with the UTF-8 character set

If you have not created a layout file (ie the /app/views/layouts/
folder is empty), you can add these lines to the default Cake layout
(in /cake/libs/views/templates/layouts/).

I did everything as mentioned, but now I get the following error when
I execute "http://localhost/"; or "http://localhost/tasks":

Notice: Undefined variable: javascript in C:\wamp\www\cake\libs\view
\templates\layouts\default.thtml on line 35

Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object in C:
\wamp\www\cake\libs\view\templates\layouts\default.thtml on line 35

So a problem with $javascript. Since I don't know what the framework
exactly does, I have now idea what to do.  The variable $html doesn't
seem to give a problem.  I could see in the sourcecode that the
charset was set to UTF-8, quite spectacular :-).

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