I don't have any experience with phpGacl. How hard do you think it
would be to get it using the existing Cake DB connection (for
performance reasons)?

On Feb 28, 4:16 pm, "Mariano Iglesias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Update: still working on this (component is already over 900 lines,
> including documentation, which is about 70% of the code).
> When the component runs for the first time it will set up PhpGacl database
> schema (so there's no need to do anything other than just include phpGacl on
> your vendors directory, and then adding PhpGacl as a component to your
> controller), and create AXO groups/AXO objects for each controller/action
> (see at the bottom of this message)
> Let me give you a quick view on how you programmatically manipulate your ACL
> data:
> // Add groups
> $this->PhpGacl->saveGroup(1, 'my group #1 with ID 1');
> $this->PhpGacl->saveGroup(2, 'my group #1 with ID 2');
> // Modify group
> $this->PhpGacl->saveGroup(2, 'my group #1 with ID 2 with new name');
> // Get groups
> $groups = $this->PhpGacl->getGroups();
> /*
>  This gets you a threaded array like:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => authenticated
>             [name] => Authenticated
>         )
>     [1] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 2
>             [name] => my group #1
>         )
>     [2] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 3
>             [name] => my group #2
>             [children] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Array
>                         (
>                             [id] => 5
>                             [name] => my group #2.1
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
>     [3] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 4
>             [name] => my group #3
>         )
> )
> */
> // Add user:
> $this->PhpGacl->saveUser(1, 'mariano.iglesias');
> // Modify user:
> $this->PhpGacl->saveUser(1, 'mariano.iglesias (new)');
> // Assign groups to user:
> $this->PhpGacl->assign(1, array(1, 2));
> // Get user groups:
> $this->PhpGacl->getUserGroups(1);
> /*
>  * This gets you an array like:
>  *
>  * Array
>  * (
>  *    [0] => 1,
>  *    [1] => 2,
>  *    [2] => authenticated
>  * )
>  */
> // Change user group assignments:
> $this->PhpGacl->assign(1, array(2, 'authenticated'));
> /*
>  * After which the previous assigned group #1 will be un-assigned, #2
>  * will remain assigned, and 'authenticated' will be added to the assignment
>  */
> // Delete group (and related data):
> $this->PhpGacl->delGroup(3);
> /*
>  * By default if the group has children, they will be added as children
>  * of this group's parent. But if you call it like:
>  *
>  * $this->PhpGacl->delGroup(3, false);
>  *
>  * Then the children will also be deleted.
>  *
>  * Naturally deleting a group means that assignments with this group are
>  * also removed
>  */
> // Delete user (and related data):
> $this->PhpGacl->delUser(1);
> // Add controller and its actions as AXO objects:
> $this->PhpGacl->saveController('Posts');
> /*
>  * It creates an AXO group called Posts, and assigned to them
>  * one AXO object per action.
>  *
>  * If the controller was already added, only new actions are
>  * added
>  */
> Next step I'm working on is the assignment of rules between group ->
> controller/action, and user -> controller/action.
> After that wrap phpGACL check, set up a few things, and then release the
> first version (without the plugin to manipulate data via GUI)
> -MI
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Remember, smart coders answer ten questions for every question they ask.
> So be smart, be cool, and share your knowledge.
> blog:http://www.MarianoIglesias.com.ar

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