For sort and filter you can certainly use query string parameters.
Have you tried that? I don't think you will any problem there.

For the problem of passing multiple units you don't need to use a
special separator, cakephp will pass anything matched by * as
additional arguments to your controller function.
For example if you have
$Route->connect('/units/*', array('controller' => 'units', 'action'

you can use

function view() {
    $sort = $_GET['sort'];
    $units = func_get_args();

On Mar 4, 4:27 pm, "barduck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No one?
> Surely someone can offer some additional insights on this.
> Thanks.
> On Mar 1, 10:44 am, "barduck"  wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply.
> > I think I have better understanding of the Route functionality now.
> > I am still not sure I understand the full potential of regular
> > expressions in Route. I mean, I see how I can specify a regex in the
> > matching part of the Route->connect() but in mod rewrite, I can use
> > regular expression both in the matching and the substitutions part of
> > the URL (the groups from the match can be used in the rewritten URL,
> > using (...) in the pattern and $N in the substitution), can something
> > like this be done in Route?
> > I assume the colon is one way to do this, but does colon-param pattern
> > always needs to come surrounded by slashes (/)? What about the
> > asterisk I used in my route, how come it isn't being confused with the
> > meaning of asterisk in regex?
> > I am also not sure what is the best way to achieve what I described in
> > my original post. One possible solution is to define one big parameter
> > and parse it myself in my code using a delimiter I set.
> > So I set unit1+unit2+unit3... as one big parameter and separate it in
> > code myself by the plus signs. Then I set a Route rule to detect plus
> > signs before the normal unit view match. I think this will work also
> > for the parameters to the index view but I wonder if this is the right
> > way to do this and whether cake can do it automatically for me?
> > Thanks.
> > - barduck
> > On Feb 28, 5:54 pm, Chris Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I understand that Cake does [routing] this in two phases, one
> > > > using apache mod rewrite to pass the rest of the path to cake and the
> > > > second one by "Routes" to further route the URL in cake internally. Is
> > > > this correct?
> > > Yes.
> > > > I assume that the major purpose of the Routes is to map URLs to
> > > > controllers, functions and parameters.
> > > Correct.
> > > > 1. I've seen a colon (:) used in the manual in routes config (like /
> > > > blog/:action/* ). What is the special meaning of the colon? It isn't
> > > > mentioned anywhere.
> > > They are to control the parameters that are passed to the Controller.
> > > I think the syntax is a Ruby-ism. First, the general case. If your
> > > route is:
> > >   /blog/:spam/*
> > > then if the browser requested
> > >   /blog/eggs/
> > > then $this->params['spam'] would contain the value 'eggs'. You can have
> > > more than one in the route. For example:
> > >   /blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug/*
> > > gets you something like the default WordPress blog link structure.
> > > There are two 'magic' parameters, "controller" and "action" which, when
> > > set, decide which controller or action to call respectively. For
> > > example, the route:
> > >   /blog/:action/:spam
> > > when called with:
> > >   /blog/view/eggs/
> > > will call the "view" action with $this->params['spam'] set to "eggs".
> > > > 2. Can I use regular expressions in Routes like on mod rewrite? How?
> > > > The manual doesn't mention it.
> > > Just use regular Perl-compatible regexs.
> > > > 3. Can I still use URL query string parameters using "?" ? Or does
> > > > cake only use the /controller/action/param/param... convention?
> > > Cake has a different method of handling query string parameters. My
> > > advice is to construct a controller action to display $this->params and
> > > see how they are handled.
> > > > Hope I am making myself clear. Sorry for the long message.
> > > Hopefully someone else can help with the rest if the above does not
> > > help you solve the problem yourself. Note that the CakePHP source is
> > > very readable for a PHP program, so examining the dispatcher code may
> > > make sense than any of this.
> > > Best wishes,
> > > --
> > >  Chris Lamb, Leamington Spa, UK                        GPG: 0x634F9A20
> > >  signature.asc
> > > 1KDownload

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