Hoo boy.  This is a big one for Mac users to look out for!  Macs are
Unix and like Unix systems, hidden files are hidden (i.e. .htaccess
files)  If you download the Cake distro and then upload it to your
server in the GUI, you may not copy all of the .htaccess files and
that will lead to all the hairpulling nonsense just recently posted


On Mar 5, 10:23 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Ok.  Now I'm totally baffled--not your fault at all, hydra12.  I did
> everything we discussed and it all worked like a charm, sort of.  I
> could add controller files and models and see them, but still no css.
> And still no direct URL calls to the controllers.  So since you kindly
> established for me already that putting the cake core files in my main
> web directory won't bother wordpress, I decided to scrap the whole
> subdomain junk and just build a development directory like in the
> manual.  I mean, c'mon, all I wanna do is play with cake, not
> repeatedly try to install it in different ways for a week now.  So, I
> set up the development directory, *exactly* as specified in the
> manual.  i.e. this:
> /wwwroot
>     /cake
>         /app
>         /cake
>         /vendors
>         .htaccess
>         index.php
> No more subdomain, so no more problem, right?  Guess what?  After I
> add my controller and my model and get a note that the database config
> is fine, STILL no css, STILL no direct calls to the models.  WTF!?
> Clearly something is missing from the manual.  Why can't I see css/
> cake.generic.css without dialing it directly?

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