On Mar 6, 2:32 am, "Steven Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks it worked like a charm. So has $this->controller been
> deprecated in the View?

Yes, deprecated and removed.

> I ask this because the view still accepts the &$controller object as a
> parameter. I have just started using Cake, and so I just hacked the
> view constructor to populate var $controller like in 1.1. What's the
> recommended way to access the controller in the view?

Again, you don't.

> Also for validation, it seems that the $model->validationErrors array never
> makes it to the FormHelper and so can't be accessed by
> FormHelper::isFieldError() and FormHelper::error().

Wrong.  $validationErrors is passed from the controller to the view,
and from the view to the helpers.  FormHelper::error() works just

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