I wasn't going to post anymore but I feel compelled to include a few
more emails concerning that conversation.

I emailed Larry back:



I didn't mean to offend you or to piss you off and I hope you can
accept my apologies: I really didn't mean to say that, and to me it
doesn't sound offensive either (maybe because I'm not a native English

Regarding this statement:

I will be glad when this project with you is over, I wish I would have
thought about it more before thinking you where the best to write this
book. There are others who have a better understanding of the code
that would have been more qualified to write this IMO, and it worries
me with this being the first book, what the quality of that book is
going to be with you at the helm of the writing...

This certainly does not improve my morale - which is already not at
its best - and it does indeed hurt my feelings. I'm sorry you feel
like this about me and about me writing the book: if you feel this way
I suggest you talk to the Peachpit staff and sort it out as you see
fit. Just let me remind you that the book was proposed to me long ago,
because a Peachpit acquisition editor noticed one of my (many)
articles about CakePHP which I wrote for a magazine.

I never criticized your code or your way of programming (which I
indeed praised everywhere and in every possible occasion), moreover,
it was me who told Peachpit staff to wait for you to finish the
application despite the fact that you failed to meet the deadlines for
the project that you set not only once, but twice.

It sounds to me that you were waiting for a "spark" to pour out your
real opinion about me and the book, and that really doesn't help
neither me, nor you or the project.

Again, I didn't mean any offense.

...and then he replied, in a more civilized manner:

> I didn't mean to offend you or to piss you off and I hope you can accept
> my apologies: I really didn't mean to say that, and to me it doesn't sound
> offensive either (maybe because I'm not a native English speacker).


Regarding this statement:
> I will be glad when this project with you is over, I wish I would have
> thought about it more before thinking you where the best to write this book.
> There are others who have a better understanding of the code that would have
> been more qualified to write this IMO, and it worries me with this being
> the first book, what the quality of that book is going to be with you at the
> helm of the writing...
> This certainly does not improve my morale - which is already not at its
> best - and it does indeed hurt my feelings. I'm sorry you feel like this
> about me and about me writing the book: if you feel this way I suggest you
> talk to the Peachpit staff and sort it out as you see fit. Just let me
> remind you that the book was proposed to me long ago, because a Peachpit
> acquisition editor noticed one of my (many) articles about CakePHP which 
> Iwrote for a magazine.

I am sorry about this comment,  I should have thought about it more
sending it. It upsets me when you  continue to  give Michal credit
when his
work on the project was minimal, there are others who have worked on
project and contributed a lot more then Michal ever did. To see him
"credit" for this work, when he would not continue to take the code
where it
needed to go, does piss me off. You know this project consumes most of
life, and it is like one of my kids. I am very protective of it as I
am with
my kids.

Then, eventually Garrett agreed to just mention -- in a restricted way
-- Michal and Brego.


The bottom line is, both parts did mistakes during the course of the
project, I may have been a bit arrogant sometimes but I think my
reactions were justified by seeing, day after day, that the CSF didn't
seem to have a lot of interested in doing their part.

All I'd like is people to understand my part, and that I'm definitely
not the one to be blamed for the fact that the book wasn't published.
I did my best, sorry if it wasn't sufficient.

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