I have just yesterday finally solved a huge problem that I was having 
with a Cake application that I upgraded from v. 1.0.0 to v 1.1.13.  I 
doubt that anyone else will encounter the same problem as me, but 
thought that it was worth recording.

This app was the first I ever built with Cake and it needed some 
modifications, including more flexible security.  So my task was to move 
from OthAuth to DAuth and ACL which I use in all my projects now.

I thought that as the Cake version was old, it would be worth upgrading 
to the latest stable Cake as well.

Well, nothing is ever easy.

After three days of beating my head against why DAuth wouldn't match 
login credentials I discovered the following:

In old releases of Cake the URL of favicon.ico set in the default layout 
is relative.  This is fine with IE as it only seems to request it once 
for the site's root directory.  FireFox however requests it for every 
directory (or at least multiple times for whatever reason).

As a result beforeFilter() in appController was being run multiple times 
by all of the favicon.ico requests.  This had the effect of changing the 
DAuth salt value stored in the user's session on the server, thus 
causing a credentials mismatch and ruining my week.

Having worked out that there were multiple favicon.ico requests hitting 
the server, I read up in this group on favicon.  I found a post that 
mentioned a relative v's absolute URL issue.  So I went and checked my 
default.thtml layout and there it was.  The URL was relative.  I changed 
it to absolute, and the problem went away completely.

So problem solved.  As a result I have developed a great love of Cake's 
Logging features.  It would have been a much harder task to identify 
this error without it.


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