Sure, use the beforeSave and beforeFind on the model side.

class User extends AppModel {
        // ...
        function beforeSave() {

                if (isset($this->data[$this->name]['password'])) {
                        $this->data[$this->name]['password'] =

                return parent::beforeSave();

        function beforeFind($queryData) {
                if (isset($queryData[$this->name]['password'])) {
                        $queryData[$this->name]['password'] =

                return $queryData;

This way when from your controller you are saving the model having the
password field set, it will automatically hash it:

$data = array(
        'User' => array('user' => 'mariano', 'password' => 'password')


The same way when you are looking for a record if you set the password field
as part of the data to be searched for, it will hash it:

$conditions = array(
        'User' => array('user' => 'mariano', 'password' => 'password')

$result = $this->User->find($conditions);



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-----Mensaje original-----
De: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre
de billybob
Enviado el: Domingo, 18 de Marzo de 2007 02:12 p.m.
Para: Cake PHP
Asunto: saving sensitive data with md5

I'm using cake's MVC approach which works really great.  I like the
ability to use the MVC and save from the controller; it makes things
nice and is very easy.  I did run into a problem which I can't figure
out, however.  Let's say I want to save sensitive information like a
password in the database.  Currently, it appears cake will only let
you save in clear text (won't let you hash) in the default MVC

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