Im trying to import online registrations into my cakephp application.
The registration data is stored in a db table. Currently my
application queries the pending registration data and loops through
the result set. Splits the data into relevant pieces that are inserted
into cakephp db tables via model.


AdminController with import_registrations() action

I would like to create a "person" record for each registration the
first time the import is run. Thereafter I check the people table if a
record for this name exists. If the person is already in the db I want
to skip the record creation and only retrieve the id for this

The find query does not seem to find any results the first time.
Although when I look at the database table multiple records with the
same firstname lastname combination are created. When I run the action
once again the find operation is successfull and no additional records
are inserted.

Could it be that there is a query caching mechanism involved that
prevents the query operation from reloading the table data? Has anyone
had this problem with batch importing/inserting records before?

Here is some of the relevant code. Any help would be great! Thanks.


in the AdminController function import_registrations() I get the
registration data from db with and call the parseRegistrationData()
function for each row...

function import_registrations()
uses('model' . DS . 'connection_manager');
$this->db = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
$this->connected = $this->db->getDataSource('default');

$sql = "SELECT uid, submittedfields, date FROM ".$importtable." WHERE
downloaded ='n'  AND date > '".$date."' ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 150";
$result = $this->connected->query($sql);
$total = count($result);

for($i=0; $i < $total; $i++) {

    $this->currentRecordId = $result[$i][$importtable]['uid'];
    $output .= $this->parseRegistrationData($result[$i][$importtable]



and then I pass each result row to the parseRegistration function...

 * parseRegistrationData
 * split row and create Person and Registration records
 * @param array row with registration data
function parseRegistrationData($row)

check data etc..

// prepare course data
$courses = split(",", $courses);

if(count($courses > 0)) {

        $name = ucwords(trim($regData[0])) ."

        // check result of this array with db result!
        if(!array_key_exists($name,$this->names)) {
            $this->names[$name] = "uid :".$this->currentRecordId;

        $criteria = "name ='".$name."'";
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM people WHERE ".$criteria;
        $result = $this->connected->query($sql);

        if(count($result)) {
            // person already exists in db!
            $person1_id = $result[0]['people']['id'];

        } else {
            // create person1 from form data
            $data['Person']['id'] = '';
            $data['Person']['firstname'] = ucwords(trim($regData[0]));
            $data['Person']['lastname'] = ucwords(trim($regData[1]));
            $data['Person']['name'] = $name;
            $data['Person']['birthdate'] = null;
            $data['Person']['sex'] = $regData[2];
            $data['Person']['street'] = trim($regData[3]);
            $data['Person']['zip'] = $regData[4];
            $data['Person']['city'] = $regData[5];
            $data['Person']['telephone1'] = $regData[6];
            $data['Person']['telephone2'] = '';
            $data['Person']['cell'] = $regData[7];
            $data['Person']['email'] = $regData[8];
            $data['Person']['membership_type'] = $regData[9] ?
$regData[9] : 'KM'; // tarif1
            $data['Person']['referal'] = $regData[11];
            $data['Person']['note'] = '';
            $data['Person']['newsletter'] = 1;
            $data['Person']['assistent'] = 0;
            $data['Person']['membership_start'] = null;
            $data['Person']['membership_end'] = null;
            $data['Person']['credit'] = 0;
            $data['Person']['checked'] = 0;
            $data['Person']['created'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
            $data['Person']['modified'] = $data['Person']

            if($data['Person']['sex'] == 'männlich') {
                $data['Person']['prefix'] = 'Herr';
            } else {
                $data['Person']['prefix'] = 'Frau';

            $person1_id = $this->Person->getID($list = 0);


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