I appreciate the response and the link and I understand that it's
frustrating when you feel like you're answering the same question over
and over again. Maybe one of the reasons this HABTM of question is
getting asked so frequently is that nobody's provided a really good,
definitive answer of how this works with clear example code for our
models, views, and controllers. I realize the onus is on us beginners
to educate ourselves, and maybe I'm an idiot who can't type five
letters in a search box, but I'm obviously not the only person who's
running into problems with this.

Thanks for your help.

On Mar 21, 11:44 am, "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi stevenoone, I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my frustration, as
> we've had a lot of problems with this lately, but if you abandon this
> framework out of an inability to enter a search query into the text
> box in the upper right-hand corner of the page, then I can't say I'll
> be sorry to see you go.  This exact question has already been answered
> here more times than I care to count.
> http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/1bf118d0...
> On Mar 21, 2:03 pm, "stevenoone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I can't get this to work I'm going to have to abandon this
> > framework. I've been developing dynamic websites for 10 years, but
> > apparently this is just beyond me. I can't seem to get my multi-select
> > lists to auto-populate correctly or update changes in the database. To
> > get the auto-populate values I'm trying this in my serials_controller
> > $this->set('mycomps',  $this->Serial->query("SELECT computer_id FROM
> > computers_serials WHERE serial_id = $this->Serial"));
> > and this in my edit.thtml
> > $html->selectTag('Serial/Computer',$computer_options,
> > $mycomps,array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
> > it isn't working and I don't know why. If i hard-code "WHERE serial_id
> > = 1" in the query it returns this array, but I don't see how to fit
> > that into my selectTag.
> > Array
> > (
> >     [0] => Array
> >         (
> >             [computers_serials] => Array
> >                 (
> >                     [computer_id] => 2
> >                 )
> >         )
> >     [1] => Array
> >         (
> >             [computers_serials] => Array
> >                 (
> >                     [computer_id] => 5
> >                 )
> >         )
> > )

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