My problem has been resolved, thanks to for providing a
very detailed tutorial even I could follow. If you're having problems,
visit this link first - you'll save yourself loads of time and

However, this didn't get me all the way to my solution.

I had to apply the "array_keys()" function to filter out the names
from my selected list. If you've implemented the solution from the
link above, and your select list still won't highlight it's default
links selectTag is probably getting an id/name pair where it's only
expecting ids.

$computers,array_keys($selected_computers),array('multiple' =>

A final problem I ran into (and this was a ball-buster) is described
in this post (secret 1).

My form would submit without error but never bother to update my join
table with the new data. According to the link above, you can't have
your HABTM multi-select as the top element in your form, or you have
to re-order the array before saving in your controller so that the
results array starts with the controller-specific data and then
finishes with the HATBM data. This is a bug in cakePHP & should be

Hope this helps somebody - sure would've saved me some time if I had
found it earlier.


On Mar 21, 3:41 pm, "stevenoone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sure for some people the Cake approach makes perfect sense and I
> don't doubt that this framework, when used by someone who understands
> it well, can dramatically speed development time. Unfortunately
> there's people like myself for whom much of this is new, and it's not
> unreasonable for us to be frustrated by nuances we haven't yet wrapped
> our brains around. Everyone's experience learning this framework is
> going to be unique based on their programming background and
> familiarity with MVC concepts. It's wonderful that individuals are
> volunteering their time to help others get started, but it seems like
> sometimes that "help" consists of handwaving half-answers and links to
> other semi-related threads.
> Most of us aren't idiots and we wouldn't be posting questions if we
> hadn't tried to come up with the answers ourselves. If you don't want
> to help in this forum - don't. If you're tired of answering the same
> questions, provide good documentation or some well-commented sample
> apps and let us pick through the code. This "blame the user for being
> confused" attitude in some of these posts and evident in the "essay"
> linked above doesn't help anybody.

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