On 3/27/07, djiize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> Html helper is the old way, and Form helper the ne cutting-edge one
> (and I like it a lot ;))
> To get rid of div and label, you can write
> $this->input('tagname', array('div' => false, 'label' => false));

Thanks for sharing this information.
It's amazing to see how easy it is to control this behavior !

> If you plan to use Cake 1.2, I don't think it's a good idea to
> continue with html helper.

Yes, i'm using 1.2 even if it's not 'stable' yet because it has the
PaginatorHelper and some fixes related to inflections.

> Maybe it'll be remove in 2.0, but I prefer taking the new habit ASAP

My understanding is that only the form-related methods of HtmlHelper
will be deprecated. I think that the methods like link(), image() will
remain there.

Thanks !

Adrian Maier

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