Still wrestling with this issue. Managed to contact the author of the
script and they re-wrote it a bit, but still no joy for me. See
comments here:

The generateNestedList() function just produces an empty variable. I
did notice in debug mode that I'm getting an SQL error. Some how the
function is trying to query the database with the string

Just to re-cap what I've got in my app:

--In the app controller file I've got the snippet from othy which
includes the generateNestedList() function -

--In my Model I've just got:
class Node extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Node';
        //The Associations below have been created with all possible keys,
those that are not needed can be removed
        var $belongsTo = array(
                        'NodeType' =>
                                array('className' => 'NodeType',
                                                'foreignKey' => 'node_type_id',
                                                'counterCache' => ''

--In my Controller (for the edit function) I've got:
function edit($id = null) {
                if(empty($this->data)) {
                        if(!$id) {
                                $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id for Node');
                        $this->data = $this->Node->read(null, $id);

$this->Node->generateNestedList()); //
<--this is the line in question

                } else {
                        if($this->Node->save($this->data)) {
                                $this->Session->setFlash('The Node has been 
                        } else {
                                $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors 

--And in my view I've got:
<?php echo $form->labelTag('Node/parent_id', 'Parent Id');?>
<?php echo $html->selectTag('Node/parent_id', $category_tree, $html-
>tagValue('Node/parent_id'), array(), array(), true)

--My Nodes DB schema looks like this:

Any help would be much appreciated.



On Mar 12, 8:26 pm, "double07" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using this in the controller: $this->set('category_tree',
> $category_tree);
> Just produces this error: Undefined variable: category_tree in C:\wamp
> \www\cake\app\controllers\nodes_controller.php on line 47
> I think this is correct: $this->set('category_tree', 
> $this->Node->generateNestedList('--',
> null));
> I have a similar bit of code in the same controller which seems to
> work:
> $this->set('nodeTypes', $this->Node->NodeType->generateList()); // in
> the controller
> <?php echo $html->selectTag('Node/node_type_id', $nodeTypes, 
> $html->tagValue('Node/node_type_id'), array(), array(), true);?> // in the
> view
> The problem seems specific to the generateNestedList function, I just
> can't work it out. The snippet from Othy is just to advanced for a
> poor designer to understand ;(
> Cheers,
> Brett.
> On Mar 12, 8:16 pm, "Eric C Blount" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $this->set('category_tree', $category_tree); //in the controller, so the
> > view can use the variable...
> > HTH,
> > Eric
> > On 3/11/07, double07 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I just wanted to re-visit this again. I've come back after a couple of
> > > weeks break to attempt to finish this project, in particular the
> > > 'parent' select list which needs to be indented (for ease of use). Now
> > > I found what I thought was the perfect bit of code by 'Othy' here:
> > >
> > > It's supposed to generate nested lists for use with select/drop downs.
> > > It's a bit light on the documentation and I'm having trouble getting
> > > it to work.
> > > As per the instructions, in my app_controller.php file I put the
> > > following code:
> > >        function generateNestedList($indent = ' ',$sort = null)
> > >        {
> > >                $this->recursive = '-1';
> > >                $cats = $this->findAllThreaded(null,
> > > array($this->name.'.id',$this-
> > > >name.'.name',$this->name.'.parent_id'), $sort);
> > >                $glist = $this->_generateNestedList($cats,$indent); return
> > > $glist;
> > >        }
> > >        function _generateNestedList($cats,$indent,$level = 0)
> > >        {
> > >                static $list = array();
> > >                for($i = 0, $c = count($cats); $i < $c; $i++)
> > >                {
> > >                $list[$cats[$i][$this->name]['id']] =
> > > str_repeat($indent,$level).
> > > $cats[$i][$this->name]['name']; if(isset($cats[$i]['children']) && !
> > > empty($cats[$i]['children']))
> > >                {
> > > $this->_generateNestedList($cats[$i]['children'],$indent,$level +
> > > 1);
> > >                }
> > >                }
> > >                return $list;
> > >        }
> > > Now in my controller (called Nodes) I've got:
> > > $this->set('category_tree', $this->Node->generateNestedList('--',
> > > null));
> > > This seems correct and doesn't produce any errors, however when I try
> > > to use the category_tree in a selectTag in my view, I get nothing:
> > > <?php echo $html->selectTag('Node/parent_id', $category_tree, $html-
> > > >tagValue('Node/parent_id'), array(), array(), true);?>
> > > If I just print_r $category tree, it's also empty.
> > > Has anybody got experience with this snippet of code by Othy (I'd ask
> > > him directly but there doesn't seem to be any contact info on his
> > > page)? Or could somebody please give me some pointers??? Alternatively
> > > another method would be appreciated.
> > > Thanks again,
> > > Brett.

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