If you're not sure how to manage the layout structure yet, the last
thing you need is medium/advanced tutorials.

Cake is very simple to learn the basics of, and extremely powerful
once you've gotten your head around the conventions.

To be able to help, you'll need to say which version you're presently
using: 1.1 is currently the stable release, but I use the 1.2 dev
release because I want the very latest features and I know enough to
be able to figure out what's going wrong when something does (which
isn't all that often :))

In any case, feelexit's advice is slightly inaccurate.

Under /app/views/layouts/, if you don't already have one, create a
file called either default.thtml (for 1.1) or default.ctp (for 1.2).
This is your basic layout file, whatever you put in this file will be
output every time. There's more advanced things you can do with
layouts, but for the moment I'd say don't worry about it, until you
get the basics down.

In this file you can indeed use the command feelexit mentions - but
his post was slightly wrong in one respect.

The command you want is <?php echo $this-
>renderElement('name_of_element'); ?>

That doesn't help you right now though because you have no elements

You need to create them, under /app/views/elements/ - the filenames
should all be something like name_of_element.thtml (for 1.1) or
name_of_element.ctp (for 1.2). The name_of_element part is what you
put in the renderElement command.

For more dynamic content you may want to look into requestAction and
components, but this is something I've barely scratched the surface of
myself yet, so I can't give you any help there.

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