If you are using version 1.1 be aware that addslashes in sanitize->sql
is inside a conditional: if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) { ...
It seems that sanitize->sql is deprecated in 1.2 anyway.
But if you are sure that fckeditor is converting the quotes to "
why would they need to be escaped? databases have no problem dealing
with any of the characters in "

On Mar 28, 8:38 am, "bingo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi bakers,
> I have one problem and a comment to make on sanitize->sql method..
> Problem: I am using fckeditor for users to add comments to a post.
> However, if the comment contain double quotes, MySQL saves only the
> part that appeared before the first double quote..For instance if my
> string is
> this is a test "hello world" --- mysql will save only --> this is a
> test
> I am using sanitize->sql method but that is also not working...
> It seems the problem is the problem is with the fckeditor converts "
> to &quot; and mysql is not able to handle it.
> Comment: I was looking on PHP forum and found that it is better to use
> mysql_real_escape_string if the intented use is to put the data in
> mysql.
>  http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php
> regards,
> Ritesh

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