thanks guys! i think I have everything I need. I'll post back here
with the results. if anyone is interested in collaborating on
something let me know!

On 30 Mar, 06:57, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend a class/script which handles video file uploads,
> > preferably with Flash integration? I'm looking to have a video
> > upload / library section in my cake app.
> If I understand your question, you are actually looking for three
> things: File uploads, File conversion, and Video playback. These are
> each separate problems and you probably won't find "a class/script
> which handles" all three steps.
> 1- File upload; If you plan to restrict users to small videos, then
> it's a plain old file upload. However if you are looking to allow
> large videos, then have a look at the (cakePHP and Java) file transfer
> case-study at the bakery.
> 2- File conversion; This is the hard part. It looks like your first
> link has just what you need. However, if you use shared hosting, or if
> you plan to allow large files, then you probably don't want to do the
> transfers on the web-server.
> 3- Video playback; You already stated that you don't want need
> streaming video, so you don't need to use the code at the second link.
> Just have flash load the flv file dynamically. It's pretty simple (no
> php required) and there are plenty of tutorials available for this.
> Hope that helps,
> cook

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