I Christoph,

This bug has actually already been fixed in the latest SVN version of
Cake 1.2, so if you update, you should be all set.  Also, in the
future, if you find a bug, post a ticket at https://trac.cakephp.org/.

On Apr 1, 7:06 pm, "Preloader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello bakers,
> I think I found a bug somewhere in the FormHelper (or beneath), but I
> cannot really locate it in the cake source, so I only can try to
> explain, how the problems occurs:
> In my News-Model i have a DATETIME filed called "date", it's value
> could be '2007-04-01 22:01:34'
> In my view ".../views/news/edit.ctp" I have
> $form->dateTime('News.date');
> When I call ".../news/edit/3" then
> $this->data['News']['date'] is '2007-04-01 22:01:34'
> But when the Model got invalidated (because i tried to save without
> entering a headline for the news entry) then
> $this->data['News']['date'] becomes '2007-04-01:22:01:34'
> The separator between date and time is a colon (':'), even though it
> should be a white space.
> I know, this is bug description is very ambiguous, so I post it here
> in the google group instead of trac.cakephp.org
> Greets, Christoph

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