I am having problems maintaining a session.  It seems the domain
object I place into session is dropped after a single request
( similar to flash scope )...

Login Post Valid ( adds partner to session ) > Renders flash redirect
message > Shows homepage

When I am on the home page the partner is still in session ( using
firecake for debugging ).  However, if I refresh the homepage partner
is dropped from session.  Config values still the same.


// In login controller
$this->flash('You have successfully logged in.',$homepage);



// in home controller view ( action is empty method )
<?php echo $session->read('partner.email'); ?>


Is this something people have experienced?  Also, session->read method
is not working properly for me, ( it always return a quotation mark,
when the value exists in session ).  Again, I have verified it is in
session using firecake.


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