Good morning.

I've released a site with cakephp. The structure is the canonical cake one


when I access the site it directly point to the site directory so I got
url like

Actually when I require a page, every component, or other required files
are searched by the basic.php. I've noticed that it seems to search for
every cake file in the php ini libs directory and finally in the site
directory. This cause me the following error.

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in
effect. File(/usr/share/pear/cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php) is
not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/theSite:/usr/share/php/) in
/home/www/theSite/cake/basics.php on line 1013

Beside the eventual server configuration error that I'm checking with the
admin, I would like to know if I missed some configuration.

I've actually solved the problem putting the @ before the file_exists() call.

Thank a lot and Bye

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