Perhaps I should explain more.

I have index.php outputting the session id at the end with this code:
echo "session id is ".session_id();

Before I log in I can call up different screens and the session id
stays the same.  Then I log in and the session id is still the same,
but I when I go to a different screen the session id has changed (and
I lose my session data).

I have tried using php sessions, cake sessions, database sessions and
a method I found suggested for creating your own session handling in
this thread,

I had problems which then vanished, but they have returned.  I did not
change the configuration between the time they worked and the time my
problems returned.  I did bake some controllers and views and write
some code.

This is driving me crazy because I need sessions working to test my
work, and I don't know what else to try.

I have confirmed that sessions seem to be being written.  The cookie
for the session id exists and it's value keeps changing.

On 04/04/07, Olwen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like other people I have had problems with sessions.  I have tried
> various solutions that have been suggested on the list, and the
> session id keeps changing (out putting the session id at the end of
> index.php).  It did start working, but has now stopped again.  I have
> not changed (consciously) changed any  configuration in the meantime.
> In the interim I have created some controllers and views. (using bake.php).
> I am using php sessions which work generally on my development server.

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